Monday, April 2, 2012

Work at Home Mom

Having the opportunity to be a self-employed work-at-home mom is definitely one of the biggest blessings in my life. It cannot be overstated. I get to play an active role in the early life of my children, I save money on daycare, I can take a personal day (albeit unpaid) whenever I need. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But as with any good thing, there are challenges..and today was the PERFECT illustration. Mike has adjusted his schedule at the hospital to be around more throughout the weekdays and play a larger-role with helping out with the kids. I have to say, I wasn't sure at first how it was going to work, but it has been amazing. The kids are so lucky to have their dad around more, and having dad around more means less stressful days for mom.

Today, however, was stressful for everyone. The kids are still nursing colds, and unfortunately so is Mike. Some side-effects with children's colds are lots of drama, fighting, and tears mixed with the inability to take them lots of different places to avoid spreading your germs everywhere. So add-in extreme boredom to the mix. I think this was the worst I have seen the kids in a long time. Crying at the drop of a hat, resisting all attempts at authority or entertainment, and really just being downright bad. Poor Mike was thrown to the wolves, when all he wanted to do was curl up and sleep it off. It definitely got better as the day went on, but for awhile there, things were really unpleasant.

Now imagine me, less than 25 feet away from the action, in my office, attempting to work amidst the chaos. Yeah, it was pretty horrible. Naturally the mom in me wants to help out, comfort the kids, etc. I feel like because I am home, I am still partially responsible for them and I know I need to stop that. I need to be able to seperate my work time and my mom time...even though I work at home. It is MUCH easier said than done. Today I had to lock myself in the room and turn up Pandora to drown out the drama. Needless to say, when Mike left the house abruptly with the kids in the late morning, I was a tad worried he may drop them off somewhere and drive off a cliff. By the time I got back from my appointment, they were home again and doing much better.

It ended up being a very productive day for me, and the best part was, in spite of the obvious stresses going on around us, Mike and I didn't take it out on each other at all. Easier said than done when your only damnit doll in these situations is your spouse.

Here's hoping they wake up tomorrow feeling better & are good for my mom. I've got a full-plate of work to do...and the groceries aren't going to buy themselves.

Until next time...

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