Saturday, April 7, 2012


This was one of the first weeks (maybe the first EVER) since having my kids that I had "help" with the kids for all 5 weekdays. So naturally, I spent less time with them and more time working. I've been drowning in work lately and trying to watch the kids all day and then work while they nap is surprisingly difficult. You would think that only having to work 2-3 hours in a day is appealing, and you would be right, IF you only had 2-3 hours worth of work to get done in that time frame, and that for the other 5 hours you hadn't been trying to tame wild beasts (a.k.a. your 2 & 3 year old children). Sooo, it was great having 8 hours of work and 8 hours to accomplish it in. Would I want to do that every week? No. I honestly missed having at least 1-2 days to enjoy my kids for part of the day. This is why I wanted to be a work-at-home mom in the first place. I don't want to miss all the fun moments in my kids' lives.

But today was another story. This was Mike's weekend to work so I knew I'd have the kids today. Unfortunately that didn't change the fact that I had a few last minute Easter food items to get at Giant and really really wanted to go spring/summer clothes shopping as well (only 1 store--I can swing that right?). So I figured, my kids haven't gotten out to shop with me in awhile, lets do it. Wow, ambition got the best of me. In retrospect, it would have been better to show up at Easter dinner naked than attempt to take Luke clothes shopping (okay, maybe not quite THAT extreme). After a ridiculously hellish 30 minutes in Old Navy, I still had to grocery shop. Usually they are good in the grocery store, especially long enough for me to get the 10ish items I had left on my list that Mike couldn't pick up for me the other day. Giant has those "cool" car carts so I figured that would be a change of pace for Luke from staring at me and riding backwards like he had to at Old Navy.

So could the shopping trip get any worse?? No way. Yes, way. Ugh. I politely ask the cart boy in the parking lot to bring me the car cart that is in the cart garage. He obliges and as I'm getting Maddie out of the car I realize that this particular cart doesn't have 2 steering wheels, only 1. Of course, Maddie goes right for the side with the steering wheel and now Mr. Cartman is nowhere to be found. Okay, I can make it in the store at least. I sit Luke down on the other side of the cart and he immediately starts retaliating on Maddie for having taken *his* steering wheel. By the time we get to the store, about 20 feet away, both are screaming and crying and I still have to find another car cart. I took the kids out of the cart by myself and we walked to the other side of the store, Maddie next to me and Luke in my arm like a sack of potatoes. This was NOT a pretty sight. Thank goodness there was a free car cart on the other side of the store. By now though Luke had had it and was kicking and punching anything that got in his way, so I had to sit him up with me anyways and strap him in because he was flailing and going nuts. It took every ounce of strength I had in my body not to just leave the cart there in the atrium and go home, without Luke. LOL. But we made it. He cried and screamed and flailed the ENTIRE time I picked out the 10 things I needed on my list. I ignored him the whole time. By the end, he was yawning from having put on such a show and after lunch he was fine again.

I have no idea what caused him to act like such a menace, but let me just say that kid is strong-willed. I couldn't believe the persistence in his agony. I know we all go through things like that as parents, and of course I took the time to thank God that I only had 1 child who acts out like that. Maddie said to me when we got in the car and Luke finally calmed down, "Mom, I was good in the store." And she really was. <3

The truth is, after that fiasco, we had a really good day and I was thankful for the day spent with them. Got to play outside for most of it and believe it or not, when they napped I got everything done that I needed to, even though I really just wanted to take a nap too. I know Luke is going to be God's challenge for me throughout life and I'm sure Maddie will have her days too. (Drama Queen).

Just a few minutes ago I went up to check on them and I had to laugh out loud when I walked in Maddie's room. It had taken her a decently long time to fall asleep I noticed earlier but I didn't really think anything of it. When I went to cover her up I noticed something odd about her:
A girl should be accessorized at all times, even while wearing mismatched pajamas"

Oh the joys & small tragedies of parenthood..and how they can both happen in one day <3

Wishing you and your family all the Blessings of the Easter holiday tomorrow.

Until next time...

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