Friday, April 6, 2012

When action happens

Do you ever notice when people start to take action? About anything at all. People take action for the most part out of ANGER.

When 9/11 happened in America- we got ANGRY. What came of it? A war on terror that has been going on ever since.

When the recession broke out in full force--ANGER. What happened? A tea-party movement.

These are just two examples on a large-scale what happens when we get angry. And lets face-it: Angry people aren't always thinking clearly. When you are angry you are often in quick-strike mode--you want something done to those who have made you angry, and you want it NOW.

On a small scale- what happens when someone hurts someone you know. You immediately think you'd like to hurt the person that hurt them! Right? Right. Smart? No.

Okay, so now I've made my point about Anger breeds Action.

Well, I'm angry. Not in a way that makes your ears smoke or your head spin or act irrationally. But day-to-day angry because I'm really angry with how divided our country has become over the past 5-6 years and there is no end in site. I feel as though Sept 12, 2001 was perhaps the most UNITED America has been in my lifetime, and perhaps today, April 6, 2012 is the most divided we've ever been. How did we get here? I feel like its been a combination of factors, and the latest has been the 99% occupy wall street fiasco.

Why are the 99% angry? Most everyone reading this blog is probably in that 99%. That means you make less than $380,354/year. Are you angry? Are you angry that there are people making more than you? Angry at Bill Gates, angry at small business owners? Why all of a sudden is wealth and success frowned upon?? Isn't that what our country was built on?? Opportunity for all to succeed?? Let me tell you what that Top 1% accomplish with their money. It Joe Biden's FAVORITE 3 (yes, THREE- I'm being candid) word: JOBS. They create them. Where do they create them?? IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Where we need them. Why do we need jobs in the private sector vs. job creation in Government?? Because jobs in the private sector are paid for by these top 1% guys (and their corporations, businesses, etc.) vs. the goverment jobs who's salaries are paid for guessed it: OUR TAXES!!!!

So why are we punishing the top 1%? Don't we hope to be there some day? How did these top 1% guys earn all this money anyways? I'll tell you how-- they worked for it. They aren't sitting in their houses with their hands stuck out. They work for it.

I'm so angry at society and at our government for condoning the division. I couldn't possibly explain it all in one blog post. But I think its VERY VERY important that we get angry. We need to be angry about something, and then stop and think about that anger. Why are we angry and how can we change it?

Before I get hate mail about entitlement vs. people who are simply unable to find jobs right now: I understand the difference. That is also why I'm angry. There are legitimately intelligent, hard working people out there who are looking for jobs and can't find them, and our government has FAILED THEM. FAILED THEM MISERABLY. And I'm not talking, they should be given money failed them, but failed them in a way that they should have let history determine how this recession would end. Used what has worked in the past. But no, they didn't. What worried me most about our current president was his lack of experience. Where is a Clinton when you needed one??? (But that's a story for another day).

Check out this article: Written by an economist and FORBES magazine contributor. It talks about how government spending and job creation are inversely related. The less the government spends, the more jobs are created. Maybe if we pass it around enough our current president will stop and read it too.

Us angry people in America can only hope.

Until next time....


  1. You should watch the movie In Time. I can foresee the country going this way if there aren't changes soon.

    I am angry, yes. I get that the 1% worked hard for their money. My husband and I do the same thing. Yet it isn't enough. We can't afford our own place. He can't even find work to help out! In two different towns, there is no work! Yes, I'm angry. Everything happens when and how it's supposed to. You just have to keep working hard and know you'll get there before it gets too bad.

    Good post!

  2. Exactly BR! But the hard-working people can't find jobs let alone great ones! Thank goodness for your talent coupled with great technology that can afford you a business. I pray that someday soon things will change and Dale will be able to find good work! I think once businesses and people begin to have more faith in where the country is headed, they will begin hiring again. Obviously my post only scratches the surface of the problems our nation faces, but it scares me nonetheless. I just hope people can see that our current president is scary. Really scary, and really out of touch with what struggles we face daily. My hope is that we can elect a President who turns back control to the American people knowing that the capitalism and free markets that our founding father's built this country on works.
