Not that I vowed to write every day, or even once a week, but my intention for this blog was not to go 3+ weeks without writing in it. Especially so close to the beginning. But here I am, playing catch-up because I haven't posted in so long.
Truth be told, I've actually had a ton to blog about. It seems life around here is never boring, even though I wish it was. Blogging is kind of a catch 22 for me- when I have a lot to blog about, I don't have time to do it. When things are slow, I have plenty of time, but nothing to say. I've gotta work on that.
So Easter went great. Excuse my 3 week late publication on it. But we did the holiday our way, and it worked out WONDERFUL. Mike and I basically avoided making concrete plans until that day, and low-and-behold, everyone worked around our schedule, instead of the other way around. We were relaxed, not jumping down each others throats, and for once, the holiday's were stress-free and pleasant. I have vowed Christmas will be done my way this year. Sorry that sounds so bad, but its so hard with young kids to work around people. Its time the elder generation worked around us. So I plan to take the reins, and become the family dictator! LOL. I promise it won't be as evil as it sounds!
Anyways, since then, we've been pistol whipped day-in and day-out by our little pistols. Man, they are at the most adorable but utterly tiring age. I literally just fall in to bed at night exhausted from mainly yelling at them all day long. Now, don't get me wrong, they are great kids. But they are testing us, one tantrum at a time. It's a battle ground. Maddie vs. Luke, Luke vs. Mommy, Maddie vs. Daddy, Maddie vs. Mommy-- you get the idea. We are butting heads daily. It doesn't always end pretty, but I always stand my ground. We are whiney- unbelieveably whiney. There is definitely nothing I hate more than whining. I can take 24 hours of crying over 10 minutes of whining. Any day. Whining is like nails on a chalk-board for me. And I admit, as I said to Mike last night, I feel like I lose patience more quickly recently. Not sure why, but I just think I'm getting worn down.
I look for summer to be MUCH better. My kids LIVE for the outdoors. They LOVE playing outside, getting dirty, climbing things, playing on their swingset, etc. etc. They SHOULD fight less & love more. I'm hoping to not have to say the word "no" as much, and have kids that are more active, more tired (at naptime and nighttime). We love summer. We live for mornings spent at Nana & Pop-pop's pool, afternoon's spent napping, and evenings spent at Hershey Park! I can't wait! Its so close, I can feel it! The weather right now though is NOT cooperating. It's gone from warm & pleasant, to rainy and unpleasant. I feel like we were spoiled in Feb & March with unseasonably high temps, and now I'm that bratty kid that wants it all the time.
I'm sorry this post is all over the place. I'm "catching up", remember? LOL. On the note of changing weather, winter and winter-like weather makes me exceptionally anxious about my kids getting sick. We have a wedding to go to Friday, and call me doomsday, but I feel like one or more of us is going to be sick by then. Ugh, I have irrational fear that creep up every once in awhile and the one that creeps up the most is sick kids. I don't know why, but I have this awful fear of my kids being sick. Even colds. Most likely because Luke especially is completely miserable with even a cold. Sickness means staying home more and getting bored. I really would have probably been better off as a warm-climate gal. Maybe my anxiety wouldn't be so high, or maybe I would just find other things to worry-about. Being a mom makes you a worrier. Last night Maddie got up in the middle of the night and came out of her room. This is the first time she has ever done this. She asked for a glass of water but because this was so uncharacteristic of her, I layed awake half the night convinced she must be sick, or that something was really wrong with her. Once again, anxiety attack! Ugh! I must find a way to get over this!! I'm hoping as my kids get older and less dependent on me, these anxieties fade away. I have my doubts. They will most likely morph into bigger ones. Oh the joys of parenthood.
Sorry this post turned out so whiney! Haha, after I said how much I hated whining, I feel like all I did was whine!
I'll try to come back again soon. And hopefully with a post less whiney!! LOL
Until next time...
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Happy Easter |
(((UPDATE))) This post was supposed to be published Easter Sunday night! So sorry!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
This was one of the first weeks (maybe the first EVER) since having my kids that I had "help" with the kids for all 5 weekdays. So naturally, I spent less time with them and more time working. I've been drowning in work lately and trying to watch the kids all day and then work while they nap is surprisingly difficult. You would think that only having to work 2-3 hours in a day is appealing, and you would be right, IF you only had 2-3 hours worth of work to get done in that time frame, and that for the other 5 hours you hadn't been trying to tame wild beasts (a.k.a. your 2 & 3 year old children). Sooo, it was great having 8 hours of work and 8 hours to accomplish it in. Would I want to do that every week? No. I honestly missed having at least 1-2 days to enjoy my kids for part of the day. This is why I wanted to be a work-at-home mom in the first place. I don't want to miss all the fun moments in my kids' lives.
But today was another story. This was Mike's weekend to work so I knew I'd have the kids today. Unfortunately that didn't change the fact that I had a few last minute Easter food items to get at Giant and really really wanted to go spring/summer clothes shopping as well (only 1 store--I can swing that right?). So I figured, my kids haven't gotten out to shop with me in awhile, lets do it. Wow, ambition got the best of me. In retrospect, it would have been better to show up at Easter dinner naked than attempt to take Luke clothes shopping (okay, maybe not quite THAT extreme). After a ridiculously hellish 30 minutes in Old Navy, I still had to grocery shop. Usually they are good in the grocery store, especially long enough for me to get the 10ish items I had left on my list that Mike couldn't pick up for me the other day. Giant has those "cool" car carts so I figured that would be a change of pace for Luke from staring at me and riding backwards like he had to at Old Navy.
So could the shopping trip get any worse?? No way. Yes, way. Ugh. I politely ask the cart boy in the parking lot to bring me the car cart that is in the cart garage. He obliges and as I'm getting Maddie out of the car I realize that this particular cart doesn't have 2 steering wheels, only 1. Of course, Maddie goes right for the side with the steering wheel and now Mr. Cartman is nowhere to be found. Okay, I can make it in the store at least. I sit Luke down on the other side of the cart and he immediately starts retaliating on Maddie for having taken *his* steering wheel. By the time we get to the store, about 20 feet away, both are screaming and crying and I still have to find another car cart. I took the kids out of the cart by myself and we walked to the other side of the store, Maddie next to me and Luke in my arm like a sack of potatoes. This was NOT a pretty sight. Thank goodness there was a free car cart on the other side of the store. By now though Luke had had it and was kicking and punching anything that got in his way, so I had to sit him up with me anyways and strap him in because he was flailing and going nuts. It took every ounce of strength I had in my body not to just leave the cart there in the atrium and go home, without Luke. LOL. But we made it. He cried and screamed and flailed the ENTIRE time I picked out the 10 things I needed on my list. I ignored him the whole time. By the end, he was yawning from having put on such a show and after lunch he was fine again.
I have no idea what caused him to act like such a menace, but let me just say that kid is strong-willed. I couldn't believe the persistence in his agony. I know we all go through things like that as parents, and of course I took the time to thank God that I only had 1 child who acts out like that. Maddie said to me when we got in the car and Luke finally calmed down, "Mom, I was good in the store." And she really was. <3
The truth is, after that fiasco, we had a really good day and I was thankful for the day spent with them. Got to play outside for most of it and believe it or not, when they napped I got everything done that I needed to, even though I really just wanted to take a nap too. I know Luke is going to be God's challenge for me throughout life and I'm sure Maddie will have her days too. (Drama Queen).
Just a few minutes ago I went up to check on them and I had to laugh out loud when I walked in Maddie's room. It had taken her a decently long time to fall asleep I noticed earlier but I didn't really think anything of it. When I went to cover her up I noticed something odd about her:
Oh the joys & small tragedies of parenthood..and how they can both happen in one day <3
Wishing you and your family all the Blessings of the Easter holiday tomorrow.
Until next time...
But today was another story. This was Mike's weekend to work so I knew I'd have the kids today. Unfortunately that didn't change the fact that I had a few last minute Easter food items to get at Giant and really really wanted to go spring/summer clothes shopping as well (only 1 store--I can swing that right?). So I figured, my kids haven't gotten out to shop with me in awhile, lets do it. Wow, ambition got the best of me. In retrospect, it would have been better to show up at Easter dinner naked than attempt to take Luke clothes shopping (okay, maybe not quite THAT extreme). After a ridiculously hellish 30 minutes in Old Navy, I still had to grocery shop. Usually they are good in the grocery store, especially long enough for me to get the 10ish items I had left on my list that Mike couldn't pick up for me the other day. Giant has those "cool" car carts so I figured that would be a change of pace for Luke from staring at me and riding backwards like he had to at Old Navy.
So could the shopping trip get any worse?? No way. Yes, way. Ugh. I politely ask the cart boy in the parking lot to bring me the car cart that is in the cart garage. He obliges and as I'm getting Maddie out of the car I realize that this particular cart doesn't have 2 steering wheels, only 1. Of course, Maddie goes right for the side with the steering wheel and now Mr. Cartman is nowhere to be found. Okay, I can make it in the store at least. I sit Luke down on the other side of the cart and he immediately starts retaliating on Maddie for having taken *his* steering wheel. By the time we get to the store, about 20 feet away, both are screaming and crying and I still have to find another car cart. I took the kids out of the cart by myself and we walked to the other side of the store, Maddie next to me and Luke in my arm like a sack of potatoes. This was NOT a pretty sight. Thank goodness there was a free car cart on the other side of the store. By now though Luke had had it and was kicking and punching anything that got in his way, so I had to sit him up with me anyways and strap him in because he was flailing and going nuts. It took every ounce of strength I had in my body not to just leave the cart there in the atrium and go home, without Luke. LOL. But we made it. He cried and screamed and flailed the ENTIRE time I picked out the 10 things I needed on my list. I ignored him the whole time. By the end, he was yawning from having put on such a show and after lunch he was fine again.
I have no idea what caused him to act like such a menace, but let me just say that kid is strong-willed. I couldn't believe the persistence in his agony. I know we all go through things like that as parents, and of course I took the time to thank God that I only had 1 child who acts out like that. Maddie said to me when we got in the car and Luke finally calmed down, "Mom, I was good in the store." And she really was. <3
The truth is, after that fiasco, we had a really good day and I was thankful for the day spent with them. Got to play outside for most of it and believe it or not, when they napped I got everything done that I needed to, even though I really just wanted to take a nap too. I know Luke is going to be God's challenge for me throughout life and I'm sure Maddie will have her days too. (Drama Queen).
Just a few minutes ago I went up to check on them and I had to laugh out loud when I walked in Maddie's room. It had taken her a decently long time to fall asleep I noticed earlier but I didn't really think anything of it. When I went to cover her up I noticed something odd about her:
A girl should be accessorized at all times, even while wearing mismatched pajamas" |
Oh the joys & small tragedies of parenthood..and how they can both happen in one day <3
Wishing you and your family all the Blessings of the Easter holiday tomorrow.
Until next time...
Friday, April 6, 2012
When action happens
Do you ever notice when people start to take action? About anything at all. People take action for the most part out of ANGER.
When 9/11 happened in America- we got ANGRY. What came of it? A war on terror that has been going on ever since.
When the recession broke out in full force--ANGER. What happened? A tea-party movement.
These are just two examples on a large-scale what happens when we get angry. And lets face-it: Angry people aren't always thinking clearly. When you are angry you are often in quick-strike mode--you want something done to those who have made you angry, and you want it NOW.
On a small scale- what happens when someone hurts someone you know. You immediately think you'd like to hurt the person that hurt them! Right? Right. Smart? No.
Okay, so now I've made my point about Anger breeds Action.
Well, I'm angry. Not in a way that makes your ears smoke or your head spin or act irrationally. But day-to-day angry because I'm really angry with how divided our country has become over the past 5-6 years and there is no end in site. I feel as though Sept 12, 2001 was perhaps the most UNITED America has been in my lifetime, and perhaps today, April 6, 2012 is the most divided we've ever been. How did we get here? I feel like its been a combination of factors, and the latest has been the 99% occupy wall street fiasco.
Why are the 99% angry? Most everyone reading this blog is probably in that 99%. That means you make less than $380,354/year. Are you angry? Are you angry that there are people making more than you? Angry at Bill Gates, angry at small business owners? Why all of a sudden is wealth and success frowned upon?? Isn't that what our country was built on?? Opportunity for all to succeed?? Let me tell you what that Top 1% accomplish with their money. It Joe Biden's FAVORITE 3 (yes, THREE- I'm being candid) word: JOBS. They create them. Where do they create them?? IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Where we need them. Why do we need jobs in the private sector vs. job creation in Government?? Because jobs in the private sector are paid for by these top 1% guys (and their corporations, businesses, etc.) vs. the goverment jobs who's salaries are paid for guessed it: OUR TAXES!!!!
So why are we punishing the top 1%? Don't we hope to be there some day? How did these top 1% guys earn all this money anyways? I'll tell you how-- they worked for it. They aren't sitting in their houses with their hands stuck out. They work for it.
I'm so angry at society and at our government for condoning the division. I couldn't possibly explain it all in one blog post. But I think its VERY VERY important that we get angry. We need to be angry about something, and then stop and think about that anger. Why are we angry and how can we change it?
Before I get hate mail about entitlement vs. people who are simply unable to find jobs right now: I understand the difference. That is also why I'm angry. There are legitimately intelligent, hard working people out there who are looking for jobs and can't find them, and our government has FAILED THEM. FAILED THEM MISERABLY. And I'm not talking, they should be given money failed them, but failed them in a way that they should have let history determine how this recession would end. Used what has worked in the past. But no, they didn't. What worried me most about our current president was his lack of experience. Where is a Clinton when you needed one??? (But that's a story for another day).
Check out this article: Written by an economist and FORBES magazine contributor. It talks about how government spending and job creation are inversely related. The less the government spends, the more jobs are created. Maybe if we pass it around enough our current president will stop and read it too.
Us angry people in America can only hope.
Until next time....
When 9/11 happened in America- we got ANGRY. What came of it? A war on terror that has been going on ever since.
When the recession broke out in full force--ANGER. What happened? A tea-party movement.
These are just two examples on a large-scale what happens when we get angry. And lets face-it: Angry people aren't always thinking clearly. When you are angry you are often in quick-strike mode--you want something done to those who have made you angry, and you want it NOW.
On a small scale- what happens when someone hurts someone you know. You immediately think you'd like to hurt the person that hurt them! Right? Right. Smart? No.
Okay, so now I've made my point about Anger breeds Action.
Well, I'm angry. Not in a way that makes your ears smoke or your head spin or act irrationally. But day-to-day angry because I'm really angry with how divided our country has become over the past 5-6 years and there is no end in site. I feel as though Sept 12, 2001 was perhaps the most UNITED America has been in my lifetime, and perhaps today, April 6, 2012 is the most divided we've ever been. How did we get here? I feel like its been a combination of factors, and the latest has been the 99% occupy wall street fiasco.
Why are the 99% angry? Most everyone reading this blog is probably in that 99%. That means you make less than $380,354/year. Are you angry? Are you angry that there are people making more than you? Angry at Bill Gates, angry at small business owners? Why all of a sudden is wealth and success frowned upon?? Isn't that what our country was built on?? Opportunity for all to succeed?? Let me tell you what that Top 1% accomplish with their money. It Joe Biden's FAVORITE 3 (yes, THREE- I'm being candid) word: JOBS. They create them. Where do they create them?? IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Where we need them. Why do we need jobs in the private sector vs. job creation in Government?? Because jobs in the private sector are paid for by these top 1% guys (and their corporations, businesses, etc.) vs. the goverment jobs who's salaries are paid for guessed it: OUR TAXES!!!!
So why are we punishing the top 1%? Don't we hope to be there some day? How did these top 1% guys earn all this money anyways? I'll tell you how-- they worked for it. They aren't sitting in their houses with their hands stuck out. They work for it.
I'm so angry at society and at our government for condoning the division. I couldn't possibly explain it all in one blog post. But I think its VERY VERY important that we get angry. We need to be angry about something, and then stop and think about that anger. Why are we angry and how can we change it?
Before I get hate mail about entitlement vs. people who are simply unable to find jobs right now: I understand the difference. That is also why I'm angry. There are legitimately intelligent, hard working people out there who are looking for jobs and can't find them, and our government has FAILED THEM. FAILED THEM MISERABLY. And I'm not talking, they should be given money failed them, but failed them in a way that they should have let history determine how this recession would end. Used what has worked in the past. But no, they didn't. What worried me most about our current president was his lack of experience. Where is a Clinton when you needed one??? (But that's a story for another day).
Check out this article: Written by an economist and FORBES magazine contributor. It talks about how government spending and job creation are inversely related. The less the government spends, the more jobs are created. Maybe if we pass it around enough our current president will stop and read it too.
Us angry people in America can only hope.
Until next time....
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Its all in your Perspective
"Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen"
The mind is the most powerful thing we have. We can make ourselves sick, we can make ourselves happy, we can make ourselves pretty much ANYTHING if we put our minds to it. If we believe, things are going to be okay, they will. Do you ever notice when you get really really good news, you often think to yourself, or maybe even say out loud, "nothing is going to ruin this day, because I got this news".
Even the worst situations work themselves out. Time doesn't stop when you've had a bad day. Even as bad as yesterday was for our family. Today I woke up, forgot about yesterday, and only looked forward until today. And guess what, the kids did the same. Their attitudes were totally different. They were well-behaved, happy children for my mom, and the same for us later in the evening. All hope was not lost.
I know we've all been asked "are you okay?"...even though we are fine. Doesn't that just make you want to scream?? Because you are FINE, but obviously someone who is asking you either thinks you have a reason not to be okay...or you are giving off a false vibe that you aren't okay. That negative preconceived notion about you CAUSED you to react negatively. Same with thinking someone is going to be upset with you over something. You then in turn act differently towards them, causing them to get upset with you.
How can someone be mad at you if you are smiling? Kill them with kindness. Drown them in hope. Conquer your day with the notion that something wonderful is about to happen and know that NOTHING can ruin your day because you are happy!
Looking forward to a happy tomorrow.
Until next time...
The mind is the most powerful thing we have. We can make ourselves sick, we can make ourselves happy, we can make ourselves pretty much ANYTHING if we put our minds to it. If we believe, things are going to be okay, they will. Do you ever notice when you get really really good news, you often think to yourself, or maybe even say out loud, "nothing is going to ruin this day, because I got this news".
Even the worst situations work themselves out. Time doesn't stop when you've had a bad day. Even as bad as yesterday was for our family. Today I woke up, forgot about yesterday, and only looked forward until today. And guess what, the kids did the same. Their attitudes were totally different. They were well-behaved, happy children for my mom, and the same for us later in the evening. All hope was not lost.
I know we've all been asked "are you okay?"...even though we are fine. Doesn't that just make you want to scream?? Because you are FINE, but obviously someone who is asking you either thinks you have a reason not to be okay...or you are giving off a false vibe that you aren't okay. That negative preconceived notion about you CAUSED you to react negatively. Same with thinking someone is going to be upset with you over something. You then in turn act differently towards them, causing them to get upset with you.
How can someone be mad at you if you are smiling? Kill them with kindness. Drown them in hope. Conquer your day with the notion that something wonderful is about to happen and know that NOTHING can ruin your day because you are happy!
Looking forward to a happy tomorrow.
Until next time...
Monday, April 2, 2012
Work at Home Mom
Having the opportunity to be a self-employed work-at-home mom is definitely one of the biggest blessings in my life. It cannot be overstated. I get to play an active role in the early life of my children, I save money on daycare, I can take a personal day (albeit unpaid) whenever I need. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But as with any good thing, there are challenges..and today was the PERFECT illustration. Mike has adjusted his schedule at the hospital to be around more throughout the weekdays and play a larger-role with helping out with the kids. I have to say, I wasn't sure at first how it was going to work, but it has been amazing. The kids are so lucky to have their dad around more, and having dad around more means less stressful days for mom.
Today, however, was stressful for everyone. The kids are still nursing colds, and unfortunately so is Mike. Some side-effects with children's colds are lots of drama, fighting, and tears mixed with the inability to take them lots of different places to avoid spreading your germs everywhere. So add-in extreme boredom to the mix. I think this was the worst I have seen the kids in a long time. Crying at the drop of a hat, resisting all attempts at authority or entertainment, and really just being downright bad. Poor Mike was thrown to the wolves, when all he wanted to do was curl up and sleep it off. It definitely got better as the day went on, but for awhile there, things were really unpleasant.
Now imagine me, less than 25 feet away from the action, in my office, attempting to work amidst the chaos. Yeah, it was pretty horrible. Naturally the mom in me wants to help out, comfort the kids, etc. I feel like because I am home, I am still partially responsible for them and I know I need to stop that. I need to be able to seperate my work time and my mom time...even though I work at home. It is MUCH easier said than done. Today I had to lock myself in the room and turn up Pandora to drown out the drama. Needless to say, when Mike left the house abruptly with the kids in the late morning, I was a tad worried he may drop them off somewhere and drive off a cliff. By the time I got back from my appointment, they were home again and doing much better.
It ended up being a very productive day for me, and the best part was, in spite of the obvious stresses going on around us, Mike and I didn't take it out on each other at all. Easier said than done when your only damnit doll in these situations is your spouse.
Here's hoping they wake up tomorrow feeling better & are good for my mom. I've got a full-plate of work to do...and the groceries aren't going to buy themselves.
Until next time...
Today, however, was stressful for everyone. The kids are still nursing colds, and unfortunately so is Mike. Some side-effects with children's colds are lots of drama, fighting, and tears mixed with the inability to take them lots of different places to avoid spreading your germs everywhere. So add-in extreme boredom to the mix. I think this was the worst I have seen the kids in a long time. Crying at the drop of a hat, resisting all attempts at authority or entertainment, and really just being downright bad. Poor Mike was thrown to the wolves, when all he wanted to do was curl up and sleep it off. It definitely got better as the day went on, but for awhile there, things were really unpleasant.
Now imagine me, less than 25 feet away from the action, in my office, attempting to work amidst the chaos. Yeah, it was pretty horrible. Naturally the mom in me wants to help out, comfort the kids, etc. I feel like because I am home, I am still partially responsible for them and I know I need to stop that. I need to be able to seperate my work time and my mom time...even though I work at home. It is MUCH easier said than done. Today I had to lock myself in the room and turn up Pandora to drown out the drama. Needless to say, when Mike left the house abruptly with the kids in the late morning, I was a tad worried he may drop them off somewhere and drive off a cliff. By the time I got back from my appointment, they were home again and doing much better.
It ended up being a very productive day for me, and the best part was, in spite of the obvious stresses going on around us, Mike and I didn't take it out on each other at all. Easier said than done when your only damnit doll in these situations is your spouse.
Here's hoping they wake up tomorrow feeling better & are good for my mom. I've got a full-plate of work to do...and the groceries aren't going to buy themselves.
Until next time...
Sunday, April 1, 2012
In the beginning........
Where do you start when you blog??? There is so much to say and I am certainly not at the beginning with life. A good place to start would have been college graduation. At this point, 4+ years later, even if I blogged every 10 minutes for the next year I probably wouldn't get you up to speed on life. So I'll do the brief synopsis. Life is pretty much all I could have imagined it being, and definitely A LOT more.
I have 2 kids who are 14 months apart. I married my soulmate on May 2, 2008. I wouldn't trade Mike for any other partner in the whole world. I feel like he is the one person in life (outside of immediate family of course), that "gets" me no matter what mood I'm in or what the situation. We can pretty much read each other's minds and besides a few hiccups here and there (mainly due to everyday stresses) things with us couldn't be better.
As for my kids, first came Madelyn, my beautiful baby girl, born in December 2008. She was the biggest blessing in our lives! Needless to say, 2 months after we got engaged, and we found out we were pregnant, we were a tad emotional. My five year plan at that point did not include children. It mainly included work, marriage, and other young adult- get my life together and enjoy it for awhile before kids. Well, I am living proof, that you can think you know it all, and know nothing at all. Of course I wouldn't change a thing. That little girl has taught me more about life in her 3 short years than I learned in the previous 23. I learned how to life completely for someone else, and how you can still be "you", its just a different you. Every day I wish there were 24 extra hours, or that somehow we could buy time, but I know I'm not alone with those feelings.
Then there was Luke. If there was ever a bigger SUPRISE than finding out I was pregnant with Maddie, it was finding out I was pregnant with Luke. We were just BARELY eeking along, 4 months after having birthed our first child, when I started feeling symptoms that resembled mono. I was more tired than I ever remember being, and no matter how much sleep I got, I always was fatigued. I knew something wasn't right but NEVER did I imagine I was pregnant. My mom was the one that suggested I take a pregnancy test, and to spite thinking she had lost it, I took her advice. The rest is history. Two pink lines and 10 months later, we were parents to another child, this time, a darling little boy who stole my heart from the moment I laid eyes on him. He is challenging, smart, & the cutest darn kid in the whole wide world. Before Luke, it was impossible to believe I had any room in my heart for another kid, and now, I can't remember life with out him. I know Mike would concur that our kids are by far the biggest blessings God has bestowed on us.
Besides that, there is the boring stuff. I am following in my dad's footsteps and doing Real Estate Appraising. The best part about the job-- I get to be a work at home mom. My kids have never set foot in a daycare thanks to my job and the countless hours of volunteer help my Grandma Roadcap & my mom have dedicated to us. We definitely could not do it without them. Our family is very lucky to have so many of our relatives in Harrisburg. I love that my kids have large extended families on both sides who love them as much as we do and give them new energy and new faces to play with!
I joined Scentsy in July 2011. What a fun decision. I joined just for something extra. My goal was to make some extra money to save for my kids college. I never could have dreamed it would grow into what it is today. Scentsy is my proof that having a passion for something can be contagious and help you grow a hobby into a business. I now have 32 consultants on my team and I am very close to being considered leadership within the company. And the best part, I earned and all expenses paid trip to Punta Cana in June for Mike and I!!! What could be better than that???? The absolute best thing by far are the relationships I've formed with some of the girls on my team. My very first recruit is now one of my best friends along with a handful of other teammates!! I love our daily chats and I honestly feel like I get the twitches when I miss talking to these girls!!! My sponsor, Sherry, is the sweetest lady in the entire world!! I love my Scentsy family!! <3
Well, I guess that should be all for now!! Can't wait to start blogging about the fun stuff. But if you don't get the background, you won't get the rest!! <3
Until next time.....
I have 2 kids who are 14 months apart. I married my soulmate on May 2, 2008. I wouldn't trade Mike for any other partner in the whole world. I feel like he is the one person in life (outside of immediate family of course), that "gets" me no matter what mood I'm in or what the situation. We can pretty much read each other's minds and besides a few hiccups here and there (mainly due to everyday stresses) things with us couldn't be better.
As for my kids, first came Madelyn, my beautiful baby girl, born in December 2008. She was the biggest blessing in our lives! Needless to say, 2 months after we got engaged, and we found out we were pregnant, we were a tad emotional. My five year plan at that point did not include children. It mainly included work, marriage, and other young adult- get my life together and enjoy it for awhile before kids. Well, I am living proof, that you can think you know it all, and know nothing at all. Of course I wouldn't change a thing. That little girl has taught me more about life in her 3 short years than I learned in the previous 23. I learned how to life completely for someone else, and how you can still be "you", its just a different you. Every day I wish there were 24 extra hours, or that somehow we could buy time, but I know I'm not alone with those feelings.
Then there was Luke. If there was ever a bigger SUPRISE than finding out I was pregnant with Maddie, it was finding out I was pregnant with Luke. We were just BARELY eeking along, 4 months after having birthed our first child, when I started feeling symptoms that resembled mono. I was more tired than I ever remember being, and no matter how much sleep I got, I always was fatigued. I knew something wasn't right but NEVER did I imagine I was pregnant. My mom was the one that suggested I take a pregnancy test, and to spite thinking she had lost it, I took her advice. The rest is history. Two pink lines and 10 months later, we were parents to another child, this time, a darling little boy who stole my heart from the moment I laid eyes on him. He is challenging, smart, & the cutest darn kid in the whole wide world. Before Luke, it was impossible to believe I had any room in my heart for another kid, and now, I can't remember life with out him. I know Mike would concur that our kids are by far the biggest blessings God has bestowed on us.
Besides that, there is the boring stuff. I am following in my dad's footsteps and doing Real Estate Appraising. The best part about the job-- I get to be a work at home mom. My kids have never set foot in a daycare thanks to my job and the countless hours of volunteer help my Grandma Roadcap & my mom have dedicated to us. We definitely could not do it without them. Our family is very lucky to have so many of our relatives in Harrisburg. I love that my kids have large extended families on both sides who love them as much as we do and give them new energy and new faces to play with!
I joined Scentsy in July 2011. What a fun decision. I joined just for something extra. My goal was to make some extra money to save for my kids college. I never could have dreamed it would grow into what it is today. Scentsy is my proof that having a passion for something can be contagious and help you grow a hobby into a business. I now have 32 consultants on my team and I am very close to being considered leadership within the company. And the best part, I earned and all expenses paid trip to Punta Cana in June for Mike and I!!! What could be better than that???? The absolute best thing by far are the relationships I've formed with some of the girls on my team. My very first recruit is now one of my best friends along with a handful of other teammates!! I love our daily chats and I honestly feel like I get the twitches when I miss talking to these girls!!! My sponsor, Sherry, is the sweetest lady in the entire world!! I love my Scentsy family!! <3
Well, I guess that should be all for now!! Can't wait to start blogging about the fun stuff. But if you don't get the background, you won't get the rest!! <3
Until next time.....
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